Community Seed Banking In Uganda
Community seed banking is a fairly new concept in Uganda which is taking shape and being out-scaled
by stakeholders in the field of crop diversity conservation and use.
The first community seed bank was established in 2010 in Sheema district by
the National Agricultura Research Organization together with the
Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT and other stakeholders.
Community seed banking has seen farmers improve their accessibility to good quality
diverse seed and also increase diversity in the farming communities thereby
improving on their livelihood and that of the ecosystem as well.
The National seed policy 2018 provides a framework for enhancing the performance
of seed sector in Uganda and one of the strategies is through the establishment
of community seed banks.
It is upon this that the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
for establishing Community seed banks in Uganda is developed.
The SOP was developed through a consultative approach and participatory
processes that solicited key stakeholders’ input
from East and South African Farmers Forum (ESAFF),
Participatory Ecological Land Use Management (PELUM),
OXFAM and the management of the existing community seed banks.
We are particularly grateful to the Alliance of Bioversity
International and CIAT for the financial and technical support.
The plant Genetic Resources Center calls on all stakeholders to
compliment their efforts in implementing this SOP in realizing
the farmers dream to conserve on-farm diversity.
The website offers clear information concerning community seeed banking in Uganda.
this coverage includes the community seed banks, their locations and regional distribution, diversity in them,
their contacts and their achievements and current developments in regard to this practice.
Also included are stakeholders, their contributions to the various community seed banks and
the development of Policies and guidlines, strategies for improning community seed banking in Uganda.
The plant genetic resource center and national genebank as governing bodies
avail access to downloadable content and visuals that are helpful in building their
foundations as research and development entities on national and international levels.
News & Updates
Community Seed Banks

Hoima CSB
Hoima Community Seed BankKibaire Village | Hoima District
Hoima Community Community Seed bank is a legally registered entity established in 2018 with 200 members of which 125 are female and 75 are male famers. The seed bank is located in Western Uganda, Hoima District, Bugahya County, Bulindi Parish, Kibaire Village.
Iganga CSB
Nawandala Integrated Coperative Seed BankMulanga Village | Iganga District
Nawandala Integrated Coperative Seed bank is a legally registered entity established in 2013 with 40 farmer members of which 23 are female and 17 male. The seed bank is located in Eastern Uganda, Iganga District, Nawanda Sub-county, Bugongo Parish, Mulanga Village
Kiziba CSB
Kiziba Community Seed BankRweganga T/C Cell | Sheema District
Kiziba Community Seed bank happens to be one of the first community
seedbanks to be established in 2010 and still running.
The seed bank is located in South-western Uganda, Sheema District, Kagango County,
Kiziba Parish, Rweganga Trading Cnter Cell (Village).

Joy Mugisha CSB
Joy Mugisha Community Seed BankRubare Village | Sheema District
Joy Mugisha Community Seed bank was established in 2016 with 52 members of which 26 are female
and 26 are male famers.
The seed bank is located in South-western Uganda, Sheema District, Kagango County,
Kiziba Parish, Rubare Village.

Nakaseke CSB
Nakaseke Community Seed BankNakaseke Village | Nakaseke District
Nakaseke Community Seed bank was established and registered in 2014 with 192 members of which 141 are female and 51 are male famers. The seed bank is located in Central Uganda, Nakaseke District, Nakaseke South Constituency, Nakaseke Town council, Nakaseke Parish in Nakaseke Village.
Nakasongola CSB
Kewerimide Community Seed BankMayor's Village | Nakasongola District
Kewerimide Nakasongola Community Seed bank is a legally registered entity established in 2019
with 135 members of which 91 are female and 44 male
The seed bank is located in Central Uganda, Nakasongola District, Nakasongola County,
Central Ward Parish, Mayors Village.

Rubaya CSB
Rubaya Community Seed BankKgyera Village | Kabale District
Rubaya Community Seed bank is a legally registered entity established in 2014
with 100 members of which 52 are female and 48 are male famers.
The seed bank is located in South-western Uganda, Kabale District, Ndorwa County, Rukore Parish,
Kagyera Village.

Soroti CSB
Adamasiko Community Seed BankAdamasiko Village | Soroti District
Adamasiko Community Seed bank is a legally registered entity established in 2017 with 248 registered members and serves various communities namely, Ojom, Olwelai and surrounding communities. The seed bank is located in Eastern Uganda, Soroti District, Katine Sub-country, Ojom Parish, Adamasiko Village.
Orungo CSB
Orungo Community Seed BankAkeria Parish | Amuria District
Orungo community seed bank is a recently registered seed bank established on the 26th, November, 2020.
The seedbank is located in Eastern Uganda in Amuria District and was commissioned by the Local Counicil v (LC5)
of the district with the goal of conserving diversity in the region.

Acet CSB
Pur Ber Community Seed BankAcet Village | Omoro District
Acet community seed bank is a recently established community seed bank . The seedbank is located in Northern Uganda in Omoro District by the Pur Ber Youth Group of Acet parish.
Kadie CSB
Adie Village | Kalaki District
Adie community seed bank is a recently established community seed bank . The seedbank is located in Northern Uganda in Kalaki District.
Ongako CSB
Ongako Community Seed BankOngako Village | Omoro District
Ongako community seed bank is a recently established community seed bank . The seedbank is located in Northern Uganda in Omoro District by a union of farmer groups in Ongako.
Uribu Cing CSB
Uribu Cing Community Seed BankLugung Village | Omoro District
Uribu Cing community seed bank is a recently established community seed bank . The seedbank is located in Northern Uganda in Omoro District.
Pakele CSB
Pakele Community Seed Bank| Adjumani District
Pakele community seed bank is a recently established community seed bank . The seedbank is located in West Nile in Adjumani District.
Mic Pa Rwoth CSB
Mic Pa Rwoth Community Seed BankJupazuba| Nebbi District
Mic Pa Rwoth community seed bank is a recently established community seed bank . The seedbank is located in West Nile in Nebbi District.
Nen Anyim CSB
Nen Anyim Community Seed BankKaliro Village| Lamwo District
Nen Anyim community seed bank is a recently established community seed bank . The seedbank is located in Northern Uganda in Lamwo District.
Apac CSB
Apac Community Seed BankAgengi Cell| Apac District
Apac community seed bank is a recently established community seed bank . The seedbank is located in West Nile in Apac District.