Community Seed Banks In Uganda
Mic Pa Rwoth Community Seed Bank | Nebbi

Mic Pa Rwoth Community Seed bank is an established seed bank of 2016 in Jupazupa village, Nebbi district. the community seed bank initially started as a farmers, saving group and with help from NGOs like CEFORD and others managed to streamline its activities into contruction of a ware house for storage and also emabark on production. With further venturing into this,the farmers found their income generation in seed production and selling seed.
The members have taken time to get land for establiching the field bank facitiy with aid from ESAF
and are almost done with the construction and set up of the facility.
The farmers have a committee which handles adminstrative issues and are focused on
working with other seed banks to grow.
The seed bank is comprised of 17 memebers with a mojority of 12 women and 5 men.
The farmers are united by the drive to sell seed, improving growing capacity of farmer members returning lost vaireities and improving food secutiry in their communities. these same farmers generate income through donations, grants, seed production and selling seed.
The crop species currently conserved at the seed bank are about 14 varities
with the hope of of even adding more.
The most common crops grown in this seed bank are beans, sorghum, irish potatoes, maize,
cassava, vegetables and coffee among others.
these are the common varieties.
The farmers also at house hold level implemented kitchen gardens with vegetables planted and are of mainly four varieties.
The seed bank receives support from ESAF and OXFAM.